WHAT GOES IN MUST FIND A WAY OUT Long duration Flights have very intriguing and interesting experiences associated with them . This is more so for International Travellers . My last International Travel from Chennai to Regina which is in Canada almost One Year Back is a case in point . Departing at 4.15 AM on the 20 th of June , I could make it to Regina by 12.15 AM Local Time on the 21 st , this together with the 12 hour time difference with India works out to 32 hours of Travel Time including the Transit Halts at Abu Dhabi and Toronto . Add 4 hours to the time you need to be at the departing Airport prior to your Departure Time and the total works out to 36 Hours or One and a Half Days . Getting your Boarding Pass and Checking In your Luggage within the Mandatory 46 Kg per head Limit is always a challenge . This is more so if you have T...