A Cyclonic STORM and ANGER bear a very strong similarity with each other . The damage caused by them can be gauged only after it has passed them .
The destruction caused by a STORM can be counted in the number of houses destroyed , loss of life , livestock , blackouts due to disruption in supply lines , communication disruption , loss to farming activities and farm related produce due to the flooding . All these can be quantified and a value placed on the monetary losses incurred which could always be rebuilt over a period of time sans the loss of life .
The damage caused by the display of ANGER is a lot more difficult to evaluate . Many a relationship between a couple , friends , relatives , officemates , Superiors have had disastrous consequences due to the use of that ONE WORD OR SENTENCE that was used during an argument. On the face of it no monetary loss may be visible or can be counted . Many a Marriage , Office Positions. Friendships and other Opportunities come to suffer because of the ANGER .
Very true. Impact is huge and life time loss