The 2019 Elections has been almost unique as far as I am concerned . Unique because being in Tamilnadu , it had a mix of The L S and Assembly By Election to decide the Fate of who is to rule us both at the Center and at the State level .
I have been a staunch supporter of the BJP and the final election result  of 303 seats individually for the BJP and 350 seats for the NDA combine was most welcome .

What was discordant was the almost blank figure of the BJP and the none too smart performance of AIADMK in the assembly elections which was to decide its fate in running the Govt in Future in Taminadu. It however managed to scrape through and retain power till the next Assembly Elections .

The DMK or more aptly the PIRATES OF THE GULF OF MANNAR had a 2 point agenda for the Elections

1 ) Dislodge Modi from the seat of power in Delhi using whatever means possible , and

2 ) Install MKS in the CM s chair on the 24 th of May or latest by the birthday of MK which was to follow later .
Now both these went out of the stadium for a huge six and by all accounts they are still left searching the ball and wondering as to what or who hit them .

The DMK used the GOEBBLES PRINCIPLE of repeating a Lie  , thousand times to make it appear as the Truth effectively . With the Vernacular and the English  ( un ) THE HINDU print media  to support it and the umpteen visual media channels which carried out a 24 hour slander seems to have worked in keeping the BJP away from gaining even a toe hold  in the State .

This undoubtedly is the first time when my VOTE has been for a loosing cause on both the occasions .

In hind sight , this is the best scenario .
It keeps the DMK out of power in the State and it's 37 Elected Members can enjoy all the perks that go with being elected to the Parliament without being of any constructive  help or effective opposition . The ruling class will be only too happy with this situation .


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