The above is a question which is normally asked of you when you are on a chat with a friend , acquaintance or relative on the phone or on the various social media platforms, During normal times , this is a fairly simple question and hours can be whiled away describing all your activities .
The very same question becomes very difficult to answer in these COVID times . Being very much on the wrong side of the sixties and being confined in your home with your better half for company for almost 300 days now , with nothing worthwhile to do in a small place like AGASTHIARPATTY that is just beginning to shed its tag of being a small village to transform itself into a small town, is rather difficult to answer .
Each passing day is no different from the one the day before and by the look of things ,there is hardly any chance of it being any different tomorrow also .
One sort of starts getting totally bored and disoriented with all the happenings or should I say nothing happening around you .
We are now weii into 2021 and phase TWO of the Vaccination drive is in full progress , let us Hope , Wish and Pray that the worst is behind us and that there is AN ALL NEW DAWN FOR ALL OF US .
2020, while tumultuous for me, with my having to leave Tanzania, leave behind my hospital, be stuck in Mumbai for over eight months, then a self-quarantine in Dubai for a week, followed by 14-days serious quarantine in Auckland, I managed to get my story of ten years in TZ published. I also got a recipe book "Tirunelveli Specials" published.
ReplyDeleteI wrote my proposal to the university that gor accepted and got myself enrolled to a PhD program and am now in Dunedin with my mother waiting to begin my studies.
Sanitas continues to survive, albeit, badly. But I hope 2021 will see it make positive strides and head to good health like in the past.
So, I guess, I did the best I could in 2020 and look forward to 2021 being a good year