I have been a regular user of the mask ever since the Pandemic raised its ugly head some 18 months or so back. Limiting my trips outside the confines of the house has been restricted to the absolute minimum . I am not sure how being considerate to others for everyone's common good is being mocked by some who are calling it “living in fear”, but it needs to stop.... When I wear a mask over my nose and mouth in public and in the shops/Supermarkets/Pharmacies or Offices - I want you to know the following:
🔵 I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
🔵 No, I don't "live in fear" of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
🔵 I don't feel like the "government controls me". I feel like I'm an adult contributing to the security in our society and I want to teach others the same.
🔵 If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place to live in .
🔵 Wearing a mask doesn't make me weak, scared, stupid or even "controlled". It makes me caring and responsible.
🔵 When you think about your appearance, discomfort, or other people's opinion of you, imagine a loved one - a child, father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a stranger - placed on a ventilator, alone without you or any family member allowed at their bedside..... Ask yourself if you could have helped them a little by wearing a mask.
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