Any Takers Please ? --445


Friends and relatives might  be wondering about my new found interest in blogging ,  especially at my fairly advanced age .

So here goes the reason,

Sometime back my nephew s daughter Kutty Aparna enquired if Chitti , my wife could help her with some Translation work from English to Tamil . ( Gratifying to note here that we as a couple are Chittappa and Chitti to both my nephew and to his daughter ) .

This got me thinking and on surfing the net ,I noticed  that there were any number of requirements for HINDI ENGLISH AND TAMIL translation jobs. 

My wife being a Tamil Teacher all through her working life and my more than passing knowledge of both Englsh and Hindi , set me thinking if we could pool our resources and apply for the translation jobs .

Among other things what they wanted to know was , if i had the time for the same and also if i had any publishing experience such as blog etc.

Now time is something which by the grace of God i have in plenty . 

I was in to blogging almost a decade back and after breaking my head over the user name and password , i am back at it once again 

The good news here is that enquiries have started coming in.

Now , besides the English - Hindi and Tamil , I am fairly  comfortable at the spoken level with Bengali Gujarathi Marathi and Telugu  !!

Any Takers Please .


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