Over the years , we all carry memories of the good times of the past . It could be an event in which you have participated or witnessed, or a place you have visited or even a movie whose memory you still cherish for reason which is still a mystery .
But the sweetest of all these memories are those of the pleasant times spent in the company of friends and colleagues at work or outside . Their numbers may be too many to fit into a short write up . You remember them for something special that each one of them was endowed with . For lack of space I will try and elucidate a few of them.
Balu or Japan as he is fondly known to all his friends was one such person . He had this rare knack of enlivening a group which till his arrival resembled a meditation center. His antics , anecdotes or plain mannerisms made him the cynosure of everyone assembled. This rare feat made him a much wanted member in any gettogether.
The allusions to a Medical Practitioner's Medical Prescription readability being inversely proportional to the number of Alphabets after his name does make a comic reading but not many can boast of a good handwriting , can they ? . Thangiah , a colleague of mine was one whose handwriting was more in line with an artistically printed material . Before the computer made its inroads , be it any official Presentation , Vinayaka Chaturthy Celebrations in our Coats Complex or the much touted MBO - MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVE of the old days , his handiwork was sure to find a place and an all around appreciation .
I am not much endowed with the culinary skills . My adventures in the Kitchen Start and End with the preparation of the early morning cup of coffee . My friend Barthasarathy though had a high skill quotient in this area . Be it a Veg or a Non Veg item , his skill was amazing . He was the Master Chef at many a Weaving Club outing .
Being employed in the Weaving Mill and that too in Loomshed , all of my colleagues including myself had hands on experience with the looms and Machines . Subbiah Bharathy though had all that is required to erect the entire range of Weaving Machines from the SULZER PROJECTILE LOOMS TO THE PICANOL AIRJET MACHINES OR THE PICANOL RAPIER LOOMS INCLUDING THE STAUBLI DOBBY . No wonder that he is a much sought after and in demand Technician in this part of the world .
Very few have the skill to make something eye catching by using their hands . V Gopalaswamy apart being an excellent Fabric Designer was at his best in Drawing , Painting or Paper Work . He could chisel a piece of wood in to an art piece in no time .
My recent meet with a kid who was only in the 7th Grade from a comparatively humble background and her skill with Creating Exquisite Images by her Drawing Skills set her apart as a Child Prodigy .
I was just wondering if someone in the group could suggest ways to showcase her talent to the world at large .
In my overzealousness I am sure to have missed many a name , rest assured you are always close to my heart even if I have missed mentioning you by name .
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