Visit to Downtown Toronto 

My visit to Downtown Toronto was special in more ways than one . 

This was the first time I was travelling by the GoTo Lakeshore East Service from Ajax to Union Station in Downtown Toronto .

. The distance involved is 36 Kms having to cover the following stations , Ajax ,  Pickering , Rouge Hill , Guildwood , Eglinton  , Scarborough, Danforth and Finally Union Station . The view on the left with the Lake , which looks more like the sea on the left and the speeding traffic on Highway 401 on your right is a novel experience. 

A change of mode of travel now from Union Station to Museum Station by the Underground Metro as it snakes its way is an equally thrilling experience.

The ROYAL ONTORIO MUSEUM or ROM as it is called has a huge array of collections to keep one busy for hours together if so inclined . My grandson Adhu was more interested in the fossil and bone replicas of Dinosaurs of 175 Million Years Vintage. These monsters some 40 mts in bone from head to toe or tail  left  one to wonder at the mammoth size in actual Flesh and Blood .

Standing beside the ONE MILLION DOLLAR QUEEN ELIZABETH GOLD COIN MADE one feel on top of the world albeit for that flash of a second .

The backdrop of the ever  Elegant and Majestic CN TOWERS in the background did add to the splendor.

Next was the visit to the ROTMAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT of The University of Toronto where my Son is currently pursuing his  EXECUTIVE MBA . This is one of the most Advanced and Prized Institute of Higher Learning in the University of Toronto . Getting an admission in here is a task in itself. It felt really nice to visit such an exalted place where our Son was in the  august company of the very elite .

This did bring about my own memories of my own visit to SASMIRA during my not so frequent visit to Mumbai .

Desi food at the Indian Desire Restaurant in was really amazing from the starters to the Main Dish . 

All in all a very memorable visit to Downtown Toronto .


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