Aap Hi ke Geeth - 519



               AAP HI KE GEETH 

While browsing through the NET on YouTube the other day , I came across Yesteryear’s PURANE FILMON KE SANGEETH and AAP HI KE GEETH Signature Tune of RADIO CEYLON . This was a pleasant surprise and brought back many old Happy Memories . 

PURANE FILMON KE SANGEETH used to commence every morning at 7.30 am and end with the evergreen final KL SAIGAL song before the 8.00 am deadline . 

AAP HI KE GEETH at 8.00 am would have the Been Tune of MERA MAN DOLAY  ——KAUN BAJAYE BAANSURIYAAN of the old Film NAGIN as its Signature Tune . This one hour program used to have all the popular songs of that span played at the request of the listeners . There were names of places like Rajnandgaon , Nanded and Jhumri Talaiyya with which people became acquainted with , thanks to the repeated mention of these places along with the names of the people who made a request for a popular song . 

Both these were extremely popular programs and almost all the houses would be tuned into Station Radio Ceylon from 7. 00 am till 9.00 am everyday . 

These programs had an unmatched charm of their own and there was an anxiety and suspense about the next song that was going to be played . 

I guess the present generation will hardly be in vibe with this practice as listening to the Radio is very much a thing of the past as the NET now makes it possible to listen to any song at any hour of the day or night at the flick of a few buttons on your Mobile Phone . The Radio now finds place in the Attic of a house or at best as an antique showpiece in the Drawing Room of a few well to do houses . 

There is no RADIO CEYLON  , PURANE FILMON KE SANGEETH or AAP HI KE GEETH now but for old timers like me , it surely brings back fond memories of a Golden Age of Music on the Radio.


  1. Yes. Brought back the memories of the 60s, 70s and 80s. Nostalgic


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