Not many of the New Millennium Born folks I am sure would be in vibe with the words Jaadagam or Janma Kundali . It might surprise many but the first step in almost all ARRANGED Marriages is the Matching of the Horoscope of the Boy and Girl which is done by a person who comes to be known as the JOSIER South of the Vindhyaas and Panditji or Guruji on the other side .
The pre requisite for this is the all important JAADAGAM OR JANMA KUNDALI . This is Drafted by the Josier/Guruji . The important requirement to keep in mind is the Exact Time , Date of Birth and The Longitude and Latitude of the place of Birth . It must be mentioned here that the place of Birth refers to the Location of the Hospital in a particular city or Exact Location of the place. The accuracy of the forecast is dependent on the exact time and location of the place of Birth namely the Hospital or Nursing Home . One can easily get the exact Longitude and Latitude of the place with the help of the Google App .
PULIYA MARATHUADI JOSIER of Kallidaikurichy is a name which is sure to resonate with many not only of this area but even those who have settled abroad but have their roots originally from this area .
Puliya Marathuadi literally means Under the Tamarind Tree in Tamizh . Currently it is the 3 rd Generation of Josiers who originally rendered this service seated as they were under a Tamarind Tree which has now earned a Super Brand Image of it's own . Online Computerized Services are now the order of the Day and their clientele extends all across the Globe from the Gulf to Europe to America , Canada and to Singapore and Malaysia.
I had to get the Jaadagam of my Granddaughter who was born in Canada last year . Having furnished all the required details , I got the Jaadagam as a Computerized Booklet with all the relevant details .
I am sure that there are still many who like me follow the old School .
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