Official Notice During the British Raj - 619
HOLYDAY OR HOLIDAY WHICH IS CORRECT ? For the uninformed , it is always a challenge to correctly spell the word HOLIDAY OR HOLYDAY . Yours truely , inspite of my many repeated visits to the esteemed abode of newly acquired friend Mr Google's on my Mobile or to my very old Friends from my Schooldays M/S Wren & Martin , am still not sure of the right usage . Surprisingly even the renowned OXFORD , CAMBRIDGE OR WEBSTER DICTIONARIES are not very forthcoming in this matter My chance encounter with the Published List of Closures in the not so recent British Government's Public Holidays or Holydays in the MADRAS PRESIDENCY for the year 1832 makes for an interesting reading . Lunar Eclipse is CHUNDRA GRAHANAM Pongal Holidays is PONGOLL HOLYDAYS Hindu Brahmin New Year is GENTOO BRAHMIN Avani Avittam is AVANEAVATUM Krishna Jayanti is KISTNA JAYANTEE AND BEST OF...