Flying Away of the Hen Laying the Golden Egg - 639

 I have always been fascinated with reading old novels and Wartime Stories . Mario Puzo and his Novels which deal with the formation of Israel such as EXODUS and MILA 18 have been my favourite . No less of a favourite has been the book HOLOCAUST .

The Movie SCHINNDLER'S LIST by STEVEN SPIELBERG tops the list of my Wartime Movies .

For the uninformed , all the above deal with the persecution suffered by the JEWS  at the hands of the Nazi Germany under Hitler and the Gestapo .

A conservative estimate puts the loss of lives of  the Jews at 6 Million Men , Women and Children  at the hands of the Nazi Regime .

Jews were the most accomplished set of people in Europe around these times . Be it Science , Research , Artistry in any Intellectual Field or Music , you name it and the Jews were at the helm  of all these  Activities . This  could not be digested by Hitler and his Stooges . Nazi Germany went on a mission to exterminate them . This they did in Mass Shootings , Gas Chambers  , Burning , Hanging and every other unimaginable way possible . They had to flee from Europe if they had to survive .

With no where else to go , the  battered JEWS formed the state of Israel under David Ben Gurian on a small Piece of Parched Land under the Sand Dunes which had not seen a drop of rain for many years and  in a very Hostile neighborhood with Enemies thirsting for their blood all around  . Today Israel is the envy of the World in many areas having attained that position by their sheer hardwork .

You might be wondering as to why , my sudden interest in Jews and Israel. 

There is a small insignificant number of people back home who now face almost the same situation to those prevailing during the 1930 and 1940 s .  Census Data of a few Decades back puts their figure at less than 3 % of the population . A lot of water has flowed down the Cauvery and Tambarabarani Rivers  since then . A majority of them have already moved to other Indian States or to Countries all across the World . This figure could be in the region of only 1%  or even less now .

 The big difference is that except for rare occasions every means other than the PHYSICAL TORTURE has and is being employed to drive a wedge between this minuscule minority and others . This is their single Vote Catching Propaganda Tool and as can  be seen this has been a big help in getting them to the  seat of Power  .

The reality is that others ( Not from this minuscule group) have also started to read between  the  lines and are seeking greener pastures across the globe . I am a Globe Trotter of  sorts  and can see this happening right in front of my eyes  .

I hope saner counsel will prevail on the perpetrators , otherwise the day is not far when -

"Every Single  Hen Laying the Golden Egg would have Flown away" .


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