Meeting Old Friends - 755
A WISE man ( not yours truly ) had once reportedly said that the JOY that Old and Long Lost Friends get on meeting each other is almost equal to the JOY that earnest Young Lovers get on meeting each other during their courtship Days .
does not unfortunately have the experience of the sort of courtship mentioned above , but has ample experience during these long years as a contended and happy married man .
It is the joy of meeting old friends , some after almost a few decades that comes to mind which bring in the same emotions mentioned by the WISE man above .
The fact that the wedding took place in PAPANASAM , an area where many happy years were spent , working together as we were in a Company of Repute . This helped in no small measure to bring the joy back
Apart from the closeness it brought back , the exchange of notes on each others place of stay and employment or otherwise , the receding and by now almost grey hairline in many and the pronounced increase of a few inches around the waist area, not to speak of more than a few Kgs gain in weight were all topics on which many a joke and laughs were exchanged . The wellbeing of the offsprings and their status were shared with utmost pride and sheer delight
25 or more friends meeting after a long layoff brought back nostalgic memories and was sheer joy for each and every one lucky enough to be able to participate in the same,
I hope and pray that there are more such occasions in future .
किसी भले आदमी ने ठीक ही कहा था कि कई सालों के बाद मिलने वालों दोस्तों का रिश्ता करीब उसी तरह होता है जो लम्बी समय के बाद दो प्रेमियों के मिलने में होता है ।
काश , मुझ जैसे को ये खुशी कभी हासिल नहीं हो सकी । ये अलग बात है की अपनी श्रीमती के साथ बिताई गई कई सालों की खुशियां किसी हद से इन से कम नहीं ।
भले आदमी की इस कहावत का मायीना हाल ही में देखने को आया ।
कई सालों के बाद पापनासन में अपने दोस्त की बेटी की शादी में कई सालों के बाद हम सबको मिलने का अवसर मिला । हम सब इसी छोटे से शहर में 20 या 25 साल इसी जगह की येक मशहूर कपड़े के मिल में साथ गुजारे थे ।
इस मिलावट ने हम सब को और नज़दीक आने में मदद की ।
सर पर बढ़ते सफेद बाल या गंजापन साफ देखने में आया । कमर में बढ़ते हुवे मोटापन साफ दिखने में आया ।
25 से ज्यादा दोस्तों का इस मिलावट के बाद हम सब में आपस में और करीब आने और येक दूसरों के बारे में और उनके संतानों के बारे में जानकारी देने में बहुत मदद की ।
आशा करते है की इसी तरह के मौके बार बार आये ।
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