
Showing posts from August, 2020

What took 60 years - 237

           WHAT CAME AFTER 60 YEARS  As a 10 year kid , it was always my desire to own a Raleigh or Robinhood Geared Bicycle. What i could however manage to get was a 24 " Second Hand  Eastern Star Ladies Bicycle at Kharagpur in West Bengal . What I could get for my son was a Hercules Bicycle with a Dynamo for Light  and Battery Horn . This was at Vickramasingapuram in Tamilnadu . My Grandson Adhvay is now all of 7 years old and is now in possession of his 3 rd Bicycle . It is a CCM VANDAL GEARED BICYCLE . This is at Toronto in Canada . My dream of owning a Geared Bicycle has now been fulfilled by my Grandson being the  owner of  the Prized Geared Bicycle . WE ARE REALLY PROGRESSING , MAY BE A BIT SLOWLY BUT PROGRESSING NONETHELESS 


CORONA MAKEOVER OF AN EVERGREEN HINDI                        OF 1949 VINTAGE   पुरानी रात ढल चुकी है  ना जाने तुम कब आओगे  जहां में सब रुकी है  ना जाने तुम कब जाओगे कॅरोना ने अपनी बरबादियाँ  दिखा दिखा कर जाग रही  यहां से वहाँ जाना  ना मुमकिन कर दिया है  तङप रहे हैं हम यहां  तुम्हारी जल्द विदाई में  खिज़ा का रंग बदल रहा है  घर घर की परेशानी में  हवा की रुख बदल चुकी है  ना जाने तुम कब जाओगे  पुरनी रात ढल चुकी है  ना जाने तुम कब जाओगे  GANESH AGASTAPURI 

TITLE 7%------WRITTEN BY A 90 YEAR OLD - 235

      7% --------- Written by a 90 year old    1) Life isn't fair , but it is still beautiful  2) When in doubt , take the next small step 3) Life is too short --- Enjoy it  4) Your job won't take care of you when you are sick , your friends and family will 5) Pay off your credit card bills every month  6) You don't have to win every arguement , stay true to yourself  7) Cry with someone , it is more healing than crying alone  8) It is OK to get angry with God , he can take it 9 ) Save for your retirement , starting with your first paycheck  10 ) when it comes to chocolate , resistance is almost always futile  11 ) Make peace with your past so that it will not screw up your present  12 ) Don't compare your life to others . You have no idea what their journey is all about  13 ) It's OK to let your children see you cry  14 ) If a relationship has to be a secret , you shouldn't be in it  15 ) Everything can cha...


 ME 70 YESTERDAY 20/8/20                                         TODAY               SENIOR CITIZEN s DAY TODAY 21/8/20 Two very contrasting and unrelated events over the last two days holds a very special place with me . Yesterday the 20 th of August was my Birthday. Getting to be 70 years is definitely a Milestone . Being quite healthy with the Almighty s Bleesings is a sure boon . More often than not , with advancing age  health issues do become a Millstone not only around you but also around your near and dear ones .  Though retired , I am an active person always on the look out to dabble with anything new and interesting . These Covid 19 Days under lockdown does offer that much more space and time to  persue those interests . In these days of instant and easy access to the Social Media platforms like the WHATSAPP , E MAIL AN...


 SOMETHING SURELY AMISS WITH MY COFFEE  For almost the last three decades now , it has been the habit in my house for me to prepare the morning coffee . Something must be surely wrong with the  TASTE, FLAVOUR OR COLOUR OF MY  COFFEE It never seems to have got  the same happy response from my better half  as the happy couple in the advertisement of the LEVISTA COFFEE which is being Telecast umpteen number of times everyday . The lady of the house seems to be on cloud 9 after the first sip of the refreshing coffee . Bravo Brother , you seem to have done an amazingly good job with your Coffee  preparation.  PS : IN A PRIVATE MAIL THE MASTER COFFEE MAKER  INFORMS ME THAT THE SMILE  HAS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TASTE OR FLAVOUR OF THE COFFEE . THE HAPPY SMILE IS FOR THE GREENBACKS MAKING ITS WAY TO THEIR RESPECTIVE BANK ACCOUNTS .


   MY TRAVELS WITH THE INDIAN CRICKET                                     TEAM   The Title I am sure may confuse many and most   People  would have got me wrong about my place in the Indian Cricket Team . Barring a few occasions at the Eden Gardens , Calcutta and the Brabourne Stadium in Bombay to watch the Test Matches is about the  closest that I have ever got to the  Indian Cricketers.  From Schooldays onwards , for some reason one's  favorite Cricketers tag has always been  with a pair , Pataudi/Borde , Gavaskar/Vishwanath , Gavaskar/Kapil Dev , Gavaskar/Srikkanth , Ganguly/Sehwag, Sehwag/Tendulkar, Tendulkar/Dravid , Dravid/Virat , Virat/Rohit Only missing name is Dhoni because he has been the single Lone favorite of the entire nation for more than 15 years now . Captain Cool Dhoni s unmatched credentials as CAPTAIN , BATSMAN ,WI...


     HOMEMADE WATER TANK CLEANER  Individual and stand alone houses have a problem with the accumulation of moss and fine sediment at the bottom of their overhead water tank . The problem is even more pronounced if the water storage is from a bore with the help of a motor . Moss formation can now be overcome with the RUBBERISED PAINTS that are now available in the market . Cleaning the sediment on the tank floor is the responsibility of the owner . This is done by employing a suitable Hand to drain the tank completely in the first place and then clean the bottom using a mop . This laborious and elaborate proceedure costs time and money . Bo , A suitable hand and at the same time a risk free hand are difficult to find in these Covid 19 Times . A simple way to do the same with a made at home device may be of help to many .  Take an ordinary 1 Litre water bottle and  cut it in the middle . A 2 Meter hose of  0.5 inches Dia  is inserted at the top wit...


  THIS PIECE WAS WRITTEN EXACTLY 5 YEARS                                     BACK   THE TABLE NOW SEEMS TO HAVE TURNED THE OTHER WAY , WITH SELF AND BETTER HALF HERE AND MY CHILDREN IN                                                                      CANADA                        अभी तो मैं जवान हूँ  सुबह के ४ बजने वाले हैं ी आज से ठीक ऐक हफ्ते बाद मैं ६५ साल का होने वाला हूँ ी मेरी श्रीमती को कनाडा गये हुवे १० दिन बीत गये हैं ी वो हमारी बेटी , दामाद ओर पोता पोती के साथ कुछ समय बिताने गयी हैं ी करीब ३५ सालों बाद यह पेहली दफा है जब इतने दिन हम यहां अकेले में हैं ी  मैं उनकी गैर हाज़री मेहसूस करने लगा हूँ ी कई छोटी छोटी बातें याद आने लगे ...


    ONLINE TAMIZH CLASSES AT TORONTO  The Toronto Tamizh Community has made the best use of the Stay at Home , WFH ,Online  School to keep the children gainfully occupied at home . SLOKA CLASSES RAM CHARIT MANAS  BALA VIKAS  TAMIL ONLINE SPEAKING CLASSES  Hats off to the Community and their Teachers in particular , who besides being employed in other spheres find the time , energy and space to   conduct these Classes . Parents also need to be appreciated for finding out the ways and means to make their children stay rooted to their Mother Tongue and to their  Traditions .  My Grandson Adhvay in one of those classes. Back Home , we love to ape anything and everything from the WEST , why not try and ape this for a change . My post 225 will also be of interest in this context.


           THE SICKULAR ( SECULAR )                            NEWSPAPER    Certain Newspapers are the self proclaimed  SICKULAR read Secular custodians and   values of everything enshrined in the Indian Constitution .  The festival of ID - UL - AZHA was on the 1 st of August 2020 , and the KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI ON THE 11 th of August this year .  I have no problem with  the Newspaper wishing my brothers of the other faith on an auspicious day , I too wish them very  well . Their stated secular stand goes for a toss when on the KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI day which was  just yesterday the 11 th of August 2020 was not only given a miss but totally ignored .  This day is sacred to almost 70% of the Indian Population .The SICKULAR  (secular) Newspaper has chosen to ignore the event I suspect at the behest of its masters  . Front Page of ...


      JANMASHTAMI REMEMBERED LAST 5 YRS Like Diwali or Deepavali , KRISHNA JAYANTI OR JANMASHTAMI is a festival which is celebrated with all the verve and enthusiasm in almost all Hindu Households .  Children like it all the more as the APPAM , CHEEDAI , MURUKKU , VADAI , THENKOZHAL , AVAL , PAAL , THAIR , VENNAI AND THE MANY FRUITS associated with the function are always a great draw . The ladies of the house not to forget the gents have to extend a hand in the preparation of such a large menu . As I look back , barring the year 2017 , the Janmashtami function was Celebrated in Canada with my Daughter or Son in 2016 , 2018 and 2019.  This year ofcourse with Covid as a deterrent , the toned down version is being Celebrated at Agasthiarpatty in India . 25 TH AUGUST AT 4353 GREEN OLIVE WAY REGINA , AT MY DAUGHTER ANOO/KAMESH s PLACE WITH AARNA AND ARYA . 2ND SEPTEMBER 2018 AT 2800 KEELE STREET , TORONTO WITH VNDANAA , HAARISH AND ADHVAY  24 TH AUGUST 2019 AT ...


     UPAKARMA 2020 DURING COVID TIMES  For the uninformed UPAKARMA refers to the Auspicious Day when the members of our community  change the Sacred Thread . This is  an annual and an elaborate function . The Vadyar, Padit or Sastrigal guides the members of the community in the Recitation of the Mantras , Tarpanam , Yagyam and the Change of the Sacred Thread .  The Covid 19 made the assembly of people impossible but the indomitable devotion and sincerity of the members of the community soon found that a solution was on  hand . This years function was on the 3 rd  of August 2020 . The entire process was carried out by the members of the community in their respective homes with the Vadyar/Sastrigal conducting the same via the MEET OR ZOOM APP and on many occasions from a very different location . THANKS TO THE TECHNOLOGY MY SON/SON IN LAW  IN CANADA AND CLOSE RELATIVES IN THE US AND GERMANY WERE ABLE TO PERFORM THE RITUALS AS IN INDIA . ...


 LONG WAIT FOR THE FIRST MOTORBIKE  Almost my entire first 20 years of  life have been in the Hindi Heartland with the major chunk of it being at Bhilai and Kharagpur . Bhilai in the main Hindi Heartland of Madhya Pradesh which is Chattigarh now  and Kharagpur though in West  Bengal had a  sizeable Telugu population which made it easier for me to be more than comfortable with Hindi and Bengali besides the Telugu during early school days . What this also meant was that despite my Fathers many and varied attempts , my prowess with Tamizh , my mother tongue was restricted to Speaking alone and that too with severe North Indian  intonations . During the Primary Schooling Period in Kharagpur which ofcourse was in  the Hindi Medium , my father had hired a home  Tamizh Tutor , Ramamoorthy Sir by name to teach me to read and write in Tamizh . He was a tall and  portly man who I guess would have tilted the scales at 120 Kgs plus . The very  ...


       GOOD OLD RADIO CEYLON DAYS  The above Video which came my way a few days back brought back memories of the popular Radio Ceylon of Yesteryears . We all grew up with the  Tamil and Hindi broadcasts of Radio Ceylon which aired its programs in Hindi  from 7 am to 10.00 am and again from 7.00 pm to 10 .00 pm . The Tamil Programs were from 4.00pm to 7.00pm on weekdays and 2.00 pm to 7.00pm on Sundays . Not many of the present generation may be aware that Hindi/Tamil  or for that matter any Film Music was totally banned from All India Radio till I think the early Sixties .  It was only when Vividh Bharati made its debut that Film Music was allowed to be played by AIR . Radio Ceylon and Later Srilanka Broadcast ing Corporation were smart enough to cash in on the situation and made good money on Advertisements of Indian Products . Binaca Geetmala ; Purane Filmon; Ke Geet ; Aap Ki Pasand , Bhoole Bisre Geet were extremely popular programs . Bin...


SUNDER PITCHAI AND ME SHARING  THE                             SAME    PLATFORM This surely must make many wonder as to what has got Sunder Pitchai , the CEO of one of the most saught after and influential person of the world sharing a Platform with me , a relative non entity . Just yesterday I saw a Video of Sunder Pitchai on the Railway PLATFORM of Kharagpur Station where he was reminiscing his frequent Visits to the Railway Station and its Long PLATFORM when he was Graduating from IIT , Kharagpur . I have my own memories of this PLATFORM where I as a School Student have had many a walk with my father on one of the longest platforms of the country reportedly almost  2.2 Kms long .   Which brings back the topic of Me and Sunder Pitchai Sharing the same                         PLATFORM           albe...


         BEAUTIFUL RAINY DAY IN RVS - 222 Above are the picture and Videos of a Rainy Morning in Ravanasamudram  Village which is my Native Place . The picture perfect locale with the backdrop of the Western Ghats and  the clouds looming in the background makes this an awesome sight . This may remind  many present and past generation kids ,  who still have a habit of reading books relate to the Rainy Days that were so much a part of Enid Blyton stories . BELOW  Against the backdrop of the dark skies , the peacock flying from the house top across the Agraharam does make an awesome sight  ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING  ! For more on Ravanasamudram  Pl Read POST : 138 

Ayodhya Bhoomi Poojan on Local and National TV Channels - 221

   Ayodhya Bhoomi Poojan on 05 -08 - 2020 On Local TV and English Channels at 8.40am            ( ALL PRECISELY AT 8.40 AM )  The stark difference in the Coverage of the Ayodhya Bhoomi Poojan at precisely 8.40 am On 05 08 2020 leaves a very sour taste in your mouth if you belong to TAMILNADU . The Vernacular Channels are busy in Telecasting everything other than the path breaking event at Ayodhya .  These paid for channels are true followers of their Anti Hindu Political Masters .      TAMIL TELEVISION CHANNELS  THE NATIONAL ENGLISH CHANNELS  Sad , we are part of this Brainwashed set of people at the mercy of such Lawmakers .


  FIRST RIDE ON A 2 or 4                WHEELER       The First Solo Ride on a TWO OR FOUR WHEELER  , I guess  is no less thrilling than what M/S EDMUND HILLARY AND TENZING NORGAY must have felt on top of Mount Everest on that memorable day of  MAY 29 TH 1953 . My first ride on a Two Wheeler was , on a borrowed VESPA SCOOTER  from a Friend who for his part  most reluctantly parted company  for a very short time with his prized possession .  This was in the Andheri West Area of  what was then Bombay  and is now Mumbai . The year I am quite sure has to be 1973 which was my first year after College . The ride was from Saki Naka where I worked in a Fibreglass Weaving Unit to the Textile Processing plant of my Sasmira friend MUKULESH near the St Blaise Church at Andheri .  There was a Four Way Intersection enroute and a Traffic Signal  to manage the heavy Traffic and  ...


     HARD TO SEE THESE PEOPLE ANYMORE  When You sit back and take a trip down the memory lane and  turn back the clock to your school days , there will be many items and people who you dealt with on a daily basis  and who are sadly missing now. Those born in the present Millennium will not even believe  that such type people or facilities ever existed in the first place . The Chana Badam Wala , Ice Cream  kutchi  ice ) , Sheng Dana Wala , The Mens Tailor ,   Cycle Hire Shop , Puncture Repair Shop , The cobbler or Shoe Repair Shop , The Boot Polish Man , The Fruit Seller in the Bandy , Cut Mango pieces Seller . All the above are people who we all grew up with and had regular interactions with during our growing up years .  Sadly , these people can be seen in only pictures or movies  now . The use and throw practice and change in our choice of eating preferences has put paid to these people and their livelihoods.  ...